Anna B. Kis
Development Economist
I am Anna B. Kis, currently collaborating with the Africa Gender Innovation Lab of the World Bank Group as an economist-consultant. I have previously participated in research projects at the ILO (Geneva), the OECD (Paris) and TÁRKI Social Research Institute (Budapest).
My main interest is empirical microeconomics, with a focus on development, education, labour and social policy evaluation. I finished my PhD in Development Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute in 2022.
Cumulative Climate Shocks and Migratory Flows: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
(with Prof. Martina Viarengo and Prof. Salvatore di Falco)
IZA Working Paper, IZA DP No. 15084, February 2022
Safer at Home? Human Capital Decisions in Low-Intensity Conflicts. Evidence from the Mexican War on Drugs
(with Dante Sanchez Torres)
Selected Policy Papers
Addati, L. - Cattaneo, U. - Pozzan, E.: Care at Work:
Investing in Care Leave and Services for a More Gender Equal World of Work
International Labour Office, 2022
Consistent Poverty in the EU​
(with András Gábos)
Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, No. 7/2016, p. 3-27.
Micro and Macro Determinants of Material Deprivation Rates​
(with Erhan Özdemir and Terry Ward)
European Commission, Social Situation Monitor, Research note no. 7/2015
Study on Conditional Cash Transfers and Their Impact on Children
European Commission, Europe 2020: Social Policies
The Graduate Institute, Geneva
Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A Case postale 1672
1211, 1 Geneva